It’s valentine’s day on Sunday; cue eye rolling! Can you hear them from wherever you are in the world? Because I certainly can. I’m all up for celebrating holidays and going over the top, because why not? It’s just one more thing to get excited about, but valentine’s day? Never understood it!
I’m more excited about the fact that DEADPOOL IS OUT! You have no idea how many times I have watched that trailer, I mean I’m the type of person that could watch trailers for an hour and a half instead of watching a film but I think watching it about 13 times in two days is kind of a record for me, and I definitely watched it 4 times in a row the first time I saw it, yes I know, I’m like a toddler when it comes to trailers (AGAIN AGAIN!) and I’m not even the slightest bit ashamed.

The reason we are all here is because my mum insisted I make something chocolaty for valentine’s day, I honestly tend to ignore things like this and get on with my life and part of me is a little “let’s make something anti-valentines” because she’s mentioned it so many times but chocolate is chocolate and I’m not gonna say no to chocolate.

I’ve been making these for years, it’s my go to “I want hot chocolate cake” and trust me I crave hot chocolate cake a worrying amount but it means you don’t have to make a whole chocolate cake and still get to enjoy the ooey gooey chocolate goodness. It pretty much tastes the same, involves slightly less effort and means there’s not a chocolate cake left sitting on the side in the kitchen screaming your name while you’re trying to eat your salad and be a good girl.
Perfect for the single pringle, simple enough for the boyfriend who has the valentine obsessed girlfriend that needs some form of romantic gesture (or you know, if you’re the boyfriend and are actually into romantic gestures) and just as suitable for anyone who’s into the whole anti-valentine’s day party, which I’ll mention is maybe as ridiculous as celebrating valentine’s day but I guess I can go along with ridiculous; each to their own. I personally think the ideal situation for consumption is an action movie marathon with your best friend but you get the idea and I think I’m ticking all the February 14th boxes.

So let’s get to the chocolate!