We all know that on pretty much everyones resolution list is a variation of; lose weight, eat healthy, workout 5000 times a week. In all honesty I think people should start there diets on the 7th, for me the 6th is the day christmas is finally over, the day you have to put down your tree (alternatively know as killing christmas) and your house goes from looking like a joyous wondrous magical place to a dull lifeless vessel...maybe a slight exaggeration but I'm sure anyone who loves christmas will agree if at least for the first few days, until you adjust to the lack of warm glow from the tree and the absence of red coloured object scattered around. And my mugs, oh my! my christmas mugs have to go back on there lonely top shelf for the next 9 months; i say this hypothetically as although my christmas mugs do reside on the top shelf I still use the this-isn't-obviously-christmasy-and-could-potentially-just-look-like-a-wintery-mug mugs for as long as possible.
I know starting on the 7th sort of contradicts the whole, new year, new start, new me kind of attitude that almost everyone billows into the new year proclaiming with there gym membership, trainers and bag of veggies in hand, but why start if christmas isn't over? and let me re-iterate that christmas is not over until the 6th. So why don't we curl up on the sofa, get in the last few hours of staring at the christmas tree and enjoy a peppermint mocha cupcake.